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Live Screening Of Tomorrows Game


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Heavy Hands.png




It is with deepest regret that we announce Dundee United have continued their heavy handed approach to the Motherwell support by persisting to be the only club in Scottish football to deny entry for our drum, all fans flags and banners despite approval from the authorities. It is not the first occasion Dundee United have applied draconian measures in recent times, as at a match last season they refused entry for close to one hundred fans which included a full busload and any fan that was attempting to enter at the same time. For what reason it is unknown although we pinpoint the reasons following lengthy discussions with the stewards on the day as being; the flags were too big, no drums are allowed and it looked like a group of fans that fancied a song or two… imagine that at the football?


Since then, despite complaining afterwards about that day in the form of letters, emails and numerous tweets silence beckons from Tannadice. We are yet to receive explanation from that day, despite the extent of the complaints reaching a peak with an article in the Motherwell times condemning United’s treatment of our supporters. Subsequently Dundee United has given prior warning that no flags, instruments or banners will be permitted in the previous two fixtures, this being the third.

As has been stated Dundee United are the only team in Scottish football who continue to adopt a club approach in contrast to police approval, with no explanation, towards such measures. It seems Dundee United is happy to show such disregard to away fans, so why should we give them our hard earned wages in return? If not only their same street rivals Dundee can allow entry for flags, the drum and banners, but also every other team in the country, how can Dundee United continue to fail to understand how the atmosphere is improved and that numbers follow as a result?

Dundee United it seems is stuck in the footballing dark ages with their policies, in a nation looking to actively promote their game.


It is at this point, where the Heavy Hands Empty Stands campaign would like to suggest you join us at Fir Parks Davie Cooper suite to watch the match live and give our money to a club that is entirely behind creating a better atmosphere at matches, being fan friendly and at the forefront of ideas; our own.

Dundee United has shown that they are the very pinnacle of everything we are fighting against as a group, everything we stand against is emanating from Dundee United and it is time we put an end to it. We hate missing ‘Well games and it pains us to ask supporters to join us in doing so by advocating watching the match on television instead of attending, but sometimes the best way to answer these clubs is to hit them where it hurts, the pocket.


If we can get just 100 fans to gather together in the Davie Cooper suite, the equivalent of two busloads that we could otherwise take up to Dundee, we will be costing them roughly £2,000 in missed gate receipts. In the tough financial times for Dundee United, as for any club, it cannot fail to show them that fan engagement, treatment and experience is indeed a pivotal part in attracting crowds.

So please, whether you were considering attending the match or not, join us in the Cooper suite for a beer and the game, quite possibly a sing song and cheer the Steelmen online by showing Dundee United we will not stand for the continued mistreatment of our support.

Heavy Hands will lead to Empty Stands



Thanks to Jam_20 for the idea, we'd love it if every one came down and joined us.


Heavy Hands = Empty Stands


Heavy Hands.png

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Appreciate the sentiment


Disappointed to read about it the night before the match, so with plans made ill still be going up


Good luck with getting the story out and point over , although I thought tynecastle had applied a similar policy on drums n flags if not, the same gate policy applied 3games ago at Tannadice


If you do any form of collection on the night stick a PayPal address up and I'll stick a few quid in

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Hope you lads get the support and exposure your efforts deserve and that we stiff them for a few grand off the park as well as for 3pts on it tomorrow night .

I know that Tam Cowan is a regular reader of these forums, but I fired him off an e-mail highlighting this . His column regularly highlights fans issues,

particularly ours , and even a small mention could help get the heavy hands campaign message out to a broader audience.

Don't know if its been done already, but a thread on a site like P&B would get the message out to fans of all clubs too.

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Considering the game is televised this evening you would like to think that United would be looking to get as many fans as possible, and as good an atmosphere as possible in their stadium.


Complete backward thinking at its very best.

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Appreciate the sentiment


...although I thought tynecastle had applied a similar policy on drums n flags if not, the same gate policy applied 3games ago at Tannadice




Your right, it wasn't allowed at Hearts.


However, that was a straight up police decision and was one that the club was quick to ridicule and solve. This United issue is completely different in that it is entirely down to their club. Each week the drum's presence is discussed alongside any displays or the likes at a pre-ops meeting with security staff, and is then approved by authorities and clubs respectively. Dundee United, as stated above, are the only club in the country to go against police approval and shut down away fans completely.


From what I can see Dundee United fans are completely pissed off with the club and their opinion of their head of security isn't too clever to say the least. Appears even they have had various things knocked back, including a display vs Rangers in the cup earlier in the season.


I just don't understand how a club claiming to be in financial trouble can so readily turn away fans?! The mind boggles.



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As I posted earlier in thread, I emailed tam cowan to see if he would give the issues a bit of publicity.

He's just got back to me saying he wants to get someone on off the ball tomorrow for a discussion about it.

I have pm'd bop as he was opening poster in live screening thread, but incase he doesn't get mssg, if any of the lads behind Heavy Hands wants to get together with him about going ahead with it, I can get info from tam at bbc side across to you to arrange.

Cheers, Dez

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Just beggars belief that any club would want to discourage any fan from attending their ground :dash2:


I was probably going to go, but now of the opinion that why should we give them money if they're determined to keep part of our fan base away - for some away games that I've been at, they'd be next to no atmosphere at all if it wasn't for these guys.

May be a night for a trip out to FP :cheers:




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