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Most Pessimistic Start To An Spl Season


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Just as the topic says, reading the boards it seems like we will be relegated by March, and out of both cups before a ball is kicked.


Yes European football was shite again, and we have not replaced some players, but does this not happen every year?


A Lot of posters here seem to be willing the team to fail, and saying that SMC hasn't got a clue, yet every season we seem to come up with the goods.



yyes we're skint,

Yes we've not replaced some players,

Yes our cup form been pish, but I've seen this happen in 25 years as a well fan.


Every start of season is a clean slate, and other teams are worse off than us. (killie, St Johnstone when May away... Etc..)


So let's not even predict stuff until we have at least had a few games!


Rant over!

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  On 8/5/2014 at 6:18 PM, johnstone said:

I'm not pessimistic about our chances in the league. I just hope we start playing these kids. I would be happy finishing 10th if it meant that all these guys coming through got a run in the team.

What if they turn out to be no good?

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We've had a cracking summer of sport so it'll take me a bit of time to get back into the swing of watching a depleted premier league. Key to sparking my interest is seeing some quality kids develop at Fir Park and across Scotland.


Relative short term success in recent years has done little to sustain the future of the club so a fresh approach would be welcome.

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There are some terminally gloomy people on here the names of which we all know but generally fans are entitled to be what I would describe as 'concerned' about on and off the field issues.


Our financial position should be of grave concern to everyone who wants the club to survive. We are not skint. Skint means having no money. We are hemorrhaging money despite turnover being at record levels.


Our on the field problems would be less of a concern if they weren't inextricably linked to the financial position.


Saying 'it's all been fine for 25 years' is, in my opinion highly irresponsible. Motherwell have lead a charmed life. We got away with relegations and administration but we aren't going to get away with it the next time. If either of those two things even come into view we are in big trouble.


We cannot afford to post more 6 figure losses, we cannot afford to fail in the domestic competitions this season and we cannot afford to have more supporters drift away from the games.


Whatever way you look at it this is going to be a very important season for the club that could decide what sort of future Motherwell Football Club has. It's the next 25 years that are important not the 25 years that have past.


If fans demand a certain level of performance, then that is because there is actually a bigger picture involved here.

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Ya Bezzer summed it up pretty well there


Ive said it for years but the last 3 have been the worst in terms of positivity from the club powers for me. Yes we need cash and yes things in scottish football are poor but our directors etc just seem to emphasise ths bad while glossing over the good. Weve had unparalelled success the last 3 years but even b4 the scottish cup final,we had McCall saying how the budget wd b cut n the cup didnt make us much money,and europe cd b a distraction,then we get champ lge football but hear that our budget will be cut again and we lost money cause we were shit in the cups. Then yet again we finish second and the talk is of extra player holidays and club losses due to cup failures. Plus you can add our shocking record of producing good youth players over the same time and the short termism employed by the management team


All of this means when we lose players and have our Albion/Stjarnan debacles the negativity is emphasised and it gets harder to pick positives. Some positive spin from the club or positive changes in direction would go a long way to helping rather than the negativity/were skint n need your money 1-2 combo the club like to use now

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I echo Ya Bezzer entirely and some of Shaka's points.


I think the club has only been guilty of trying to manage expectations in these days of heightened social media and access. I understand what sometimes they are doing and why they are doing it. However, I don't think every fan needs to know the full workings of the club or the club should feel they need to tweet or come on here and justify their decisions.


On the subject of club communications, I do get annoyed when I see the gaffer talk us down before a game at Parkhead, you know what Stuart, we've been following this club long before you came on the scene. We know its a task and infrequent, but we don't need reminded at every opportunity, your pragmatism while sensible and true doesn't need to come to the fore. I doubt it happened at half time against Hibs in the 6-6.


However I really detest and cringe the "aww we'll we've had all these high league finishes, kinda balances the poor cup performances, we are Motherwell after all" along with more of this ying-yang pish you see peddled on here


No, we put a decent team on the park, who fought for results generally but we underperformed in a few key matches that would have injected decent money when we really needed it. Why can't we follow through on our superiority and close things out is an endemic issue that needs addressed at our club.



I think the result in Iceland topped off a calendar year with a lot of indifferent results and too few highs. That resulted in a little soul searching and closer inspection of what we have after the highs and wave of good feeling from Aberdeen on the last day. That is what has made the pessimistic snowball gather pace and size.

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The team will not be in a relegation battle. Despite screwing up by giving away three penalties over two matches?!?! Overall play that i've seen so far has been similar to last year, with Law giving some hope of some good inter play with Vigurs, Sutton and Ainsworth. A solid replacement for Hutch to cure the goal against record of last season, with more of erwin this season and moore coming back at xmas.

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This is possibly for another thread, but while we're here...


Up until a couple of years ago, the accepted wisdom was that we were in reasonable financial shape and carrying no debt, ie miles ahead of just about every other club in Scotland.


So how come after a couple of admittedly bad financial results we are suddenly looking down a big black hole? If the above para is true then every other debt-ridden club must be even worse off...?

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  On 8/6/2014 at 3:10 PM, claretband said:

So how come after a couple of admittedly bad financial results we are suddenly looking down a big black hole? If the above para is true then every other debt-ridden club must be even worse off...?


I think its the fact that we have absolutely no safety net now. If the club gets in trouble, it either goes out of business or you ask the guys who have already chucked a whole wedge of money at the Society (and probably season tickets, strips, the whole load) to bail it out. There's only so much that the community has.


In addition, with United selling players for six and seven figure sums, they must be close to debt free. Killie have had some form of debt forgiveness as well? Hearts were crippled, but aren't a basketcase anymore, albeit relegated.


I dunno, of all the 'debt ridden' clubs, they seem to be fairly bullish going forward, whereas we're back where we started.

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