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Anyone else see the nonsense being spouted on Pie & Bovril, saying it's a Chilean Consortium looking to buy the club to use as a showcase club for South American players to move onto the EPL.


That sounds interesting if true however unlikely!!!


Not sure about Chileans but there was a group of Italian chaps in the Main Stand last night. As was Nobby Solano, for what it's worth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Edge of Administration. Why and who is the debt to?






We've been losing money consistently the last few seasons - we must owe it to someone.


Obviously I hope it's rubbish but our finances aren't great. We had a few seasons of balancing the books but we've let that slip. We need to get to the end of the season and cut our cloth accordingly.

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any rumours about us coming from a celtic fan i would take with a huge pinch of salt,there is a section amongst there support that is obssessed with us for whatever reason.fuck them the smelly bastards.


Usually the section that resides in Motherwell.


In saying that, admin isn't far fetched when you think how John Boyle soft loans have kept us afloat in recent years. You wonder what would happen if a takeover wasn't to come to fruition this month.

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I wouldn't put too much confidence in this tweet chaps.


In regards the recent soft loans, they have been from the Well Society, not Boyle, and we have paid them back.


So given we have no bank debt then, as far as I am aware, the only thing that could put us into admin would be:


John Boyle calling in the remaining debt we owe him. Which would mean him going back on the terms of the loan he agreed to and that we have been paying back each month for years now. Possible, but I cant really see it.




We have mounting debts to suppliers etc and they are at such a level that admin is the only option. I cant see that either.


In regards our overall financial situation.

I do think we have speculated a little and not really accumulated as we would have expected over the past 3 years. By that I mean we seem to be basing our budget on Top 6 finishes and decent cup runs, rather than bottom 6 etc and I think that was the right thing to do to move on and improve. Keeping wages at the same level has meant we have finished best of the rest and had good teams but unfortunately, and this is the key bit, we have not seen that translated into much income from cup competitions, europe and also no increase in attendances. Add to that the rather unfortunate situation with a drop in prize money for 2nd place that we agreed to whilst having a bonus structure we probably didnt expect to pay out on the same year! That is why we have seen the losses.

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Surely I can't be the only one who is hopeful that we actually do get bought out by this South American crowd. This consistent drudgery of constantly being rooked is beyond boring and quite frankly I would love a bit of energy in and around the club. Terms and conditions of sale can be included to protect the clubs survival - including all debts accrued being with the holding consortium and not directly with the club. Bring it on as far as I'm concerned - scottish football needs a breath of fresh air and boot up he backside and quite frankly, this could be it.

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Surely I can't be the only one who is hopeful that we actually do get bought out by this South American crowd. This consistent drudgery of constantly being rooked is beyond boring and quite frankly I would love a bit of energy in and around the club. Terms and conditions of sale can be included to protect the clubs survival - including all debts accrued being with the holding consortium and not directly with the club. Bring it on as far as I'm concerned - scottish football needs a breath of fresh air and boot up he backside and quite frankly, this could be it.


With the greatest of respect, you are deluding yourself.


I would rather have "rooked and beyond boring" than a bunch of fraudsters trying to rinse the club of everything they have under the guise of showcasing South American talent. Anyone who believes that bullshit is nuts IMO.


If Boyle lets the club go to one of these shady consortium outfits (that have been chased away from every other club in the land for good reason) then I would consider that a greater crime than the whole administration debacle and to be honest I don't see any evidence that he is willing to let that happen.


If the Club do jump into bed with these guys, and we as fans let it happen, then we deserve everything we get.

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Even if there was something in it, it's generally a legal requirement to keep any details secret. And even in the rare cases where it's not a legal requirement, potential bidders will always have a confidentiality clause in their offers.

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