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Pitch Refurbishment: An Idea


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We all know that the club is going to have to undertake major improvements to the pitch this summer and that that is going to blow a significant hole in our total budget. Almost certainly this will mean that either we can't acquire new players or that some current ones will be allowed to leave/sold on. No doubt there will be a few moans on this Board in 4/5 months time about lack of inwards transfer activity.


Before we get to that stage could the club not launch some fundraising activity to help out with the costs of new drainage/turf/USH? Yes, I know we're in the middle, hopefully, of a global recession, but what about setting up a "sponsor a square metre (I much prefer yard) of turf" scheme? This could be aimed at both ordinary fans and businesses. Higher rates for the penalty boxes and centre circle? By my reckoning we must require approximately 8,700 sq yards of turf. A fiver or tenner per square yard? Even supposing we only raise £5,000 that would help. Would such a scheme cause any damage or harm?


What about it Flow?

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  Bop said:
What do you get for your money though? I'm not saying i'd want anything in return but i think in this day and age all you'd get is people moaning about not getting anything for their money.


True. Be up front and say a square yard of turf and the chance to help the club. If folk find that unacceptable or doesn't give an attractive yield then they don't have to contribute. No need to dress up the idea just a simple question "Are you in or out?".

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Or alternatively but in a similar vein, what about fundraising for a set of pitch covers for Dalziel?


An often raised complaint is that the team have nowhere to train when its frosty/snowy and have taken to using the pitch at Fir Park. You would win on both counts with them having somewhere to train, less toll on the surface at FP when its renewed/relaid.


I agree though there has to be some incentive for those donating given current times whatever the incentive may be.

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All good ideas, with the "something in return factor" applying to people who contribute a significant amount, by perhaps sponsoring the whole penalty area @ a fiver/tenner per yard. Like everything else it takes someone to organise it like the trust etc, and this is where they should take it on. (any arguments tonight please at the interval of POD dinner)

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A very worthwhile post and some good ideas floated most certainly...


Leeann reads the boards every single day and no-doubt she'll read this one!


Watch this space....



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Why don't we all donate a square metre of the grass in our back gardens and save them having to buy any new turf at all, then nip down the local gypo camp and see if they'll put it down for us?


Anything that avoids the club actually having to put their hands in their own pockets has to be worth a shout!

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  underboyleheating said:
You would need to offer something in return.

If you sponsor a player you would get the shirt. If you sponsor the turf you get... :P

Maybe everyone who sponsors a piece of turf could go into a draw to win a season ticket?

Good idea, or perhaps Corporate Hospitality at a selected game or several players taking some kids for a training session or names on a Club Sponsors Board within the 'Ark, etc., etc., ......... the possibilities are endless.

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  Special aka said:
Good idea, or perhaps Corporate Hospitality at a selected game or several players taking some kids for a training session or names on a Club Sponsors Board within the 'Ark, etc., etc., ......... the possibilities are endless.


They are indeed, but are all as likely to come about as my suggestion.

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  Pepper said:
Why don't we all donate a square metre of the grass in our back gardens and save them having to buy any new turf at all, then nip down the local gypo camp and see if they'll put it down for us?


Anything that avoids the club actually having to put their hands in their own pockets has to be worth a shout!

:P:lol: Good idea.

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I'm sure Dunfermline did something along these lines when they ripped up their pitch a few years ago.


I can't remember the exact details of what they did but it was something like the pitch was split up into a grid and each reference was sold as a raffle ticket.


The penalty areas and centre circle are gold grid references (sold for £100 or £50), the remaining final thirds of each half are silver references(£10) and the middle of the park are bronze references (£5).


At each home game of the season a reference from each area is picked out for a prize. so for the cost of one ticket one reference gets 18 or so chances to win.


prizes would be like

eg gold reference - corp hospitality

silver - free match tix

bronze - club shop vouchers.

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The work done last January was only remedial, until they could relay the whole pitch in the summer. So we must have a new pitch?


John Boyle said so! :unsure:


Seriously though, its a good idea, except why should the fans pay for something that was supposed to have been done 6 months ago, seems like penny pinching over the last couple of years has allowed this problem to snowball (excuse the pun). If the problems had been addressed when they first became apparent we may be in a much better situation. Think how much all last seasons postponements cost the club, plus the fine we have hanging over us.


I was hoping the money we would have brought in from gate and TV for a cup quarter final against Celtic would have gone a long way to pay for the work, but it wasn't to be unfortunately.

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  sbcmfc said:
Seriously though, its a good idea, except why should the fans pay for something that was supposed to have been done 6 months ago.
That's my though too. It's one thing to raise money for something extra for the club, but they are in a mess because they didn't do what was required at the time and now it is costing them.


I don't think we should be bailing out the club on this particular point any more than we should be bailing out the banks.

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  sbcmfc said:
Seriously though, its a good idea, except why should the fans pay for something that was supposed to have been done 6 months ago...


Because some like myself might want to.


If the club sets such a scheme up, on a voluntary basis, then it would be up to each individual whether they wanted to contribute or not. If some don't wish to then fine.


At the end of the day, the pitch remediation costs come our exactly the same budget as our transfer budget.

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There are no if buts or maybe's we need a new park.


We are supporters of motherwell football club and if we want to "SUPPORT" our club this is a great way to do it.


The club has failed in it's own efforts to supply a playing surface that is conducive to good football.


No point in Boyle said this or promised that where will that get us as a club and as a support?


Let's get behind the club and support this initiative it's got to happen the fans have spoken!!!!

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