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Central Defence?


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Undoubtedly the defence is and has been dreadful this season - we have a goalkeeper on a par with Graeme Smith (great direct shot stopper but useless with crosses and high balls due to a lack of height and physical presence), no true right back, normal left back out with injury and becoming more injury prone as he gets older) and two suspect centre-backs..Having said that I think the major problem lies in our midfield - which offers precious little or no cover or protection to the defence and little or no creative support to the forwards. Keith Lasley is operating pretty much as a one man midfield and gets no support from the other three so-called midfielders. This is the main area that needs to be addressed by the new manager who must get a midfield four playing as a unit and offering stiffer cover to the defence and make us harder to breakdown and score against and if that means grinding out some boring draws then so be it.

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So many posts saying McManus is playing with an injury and has been for a while. Beggars the question why is he playing at all then? Even if it's a niggle, surely better to get treated and back to full fitness.

Perhaps he's not as uninterested and uncommitted as folk are making out?


You can argue that it's maybe best to get treatment if it's hampering his performances of course, but if the manager is asking him to play through injury and agreeing then he deserves some credit for that at least....

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