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I've read this thread with interest, poor Dave must be wondering what he has started.


CM makes some interesting points, but I think misses the biggest point of all, in that this is a forum for Well fans, it is not and has never been a 'recruiting tool' for the club. It has evolved from humble beginnings as a small scale discussion forum for Well fans to have a much larger scale and scope than I think the originators could have foreseen. That guys who do this voluntarily and in their own time have achieved this is worthy of congratulations and they should not be the subject of some belittling comments from CM just because they do not fit in with his vision of how things should be done.


A lot of the things CM suggests are done by the club already, so I do not see the need to duplicate this. This site should be kept purely as a discussion forum and I for one enjoy the more reasoned posts and threads. I just ignore those I perceive as 'troll like'.


CM it would appear from what you tell us that you have been incredibly successful in your chosen field and congratulations to you for that. I do find it slightly puzzling though that you have achieved this success if you go about your business dealings in the same way you have gone about trying to persuade this forum on the merits of your proposal; because what you have done is actually dilute your own argument.


Perhaps spending so much time in the digital world has blunted your 'people' radar who knows, but first rule of business is don't belittle or make assumptions about people in general and especially those you have never met.

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We are constantly looking for ways to improve the forum and welcome reasoned and sensible suggestions from all members, while email marketing may indeed improve customer traffic to websites of those that use it, it's not something we will be pursuing at this time.
We do have one or two upgrades due which will happen as and when they are required. We hope everyone continues to use and enjoy the forum in it's present form.

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You should be a politician!


CMWellfan has made some suggestions but unfortunately the way he has put them across has resulted in most people turning against him no matter what he has to say now. Probably best if he takes suggestions to the club as some of them may be beneficial.

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  On 11/7/2016 at 5:42 AM, Yabba's Turd said:

We have added tapatalk for those who use that application on their mobile device. As with any new feature we welcome feedback and any bug reporting can be done via the bugs, glitches and help sub forum.


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Nice work with the tapatalk


Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

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  On 11/7/2016 at 1:30 PM, Villageman said:

Would someone like to explain to this old codger. No on seconds thoughts never mind I am just getting used to using voice recognition text on my windows phone!.

It's an app for all your forums, slightly more control over what content you receive to your phone rather than logging in with your mobile browser. I haven't used tapatalk before now, but I have noticed quite a few fora I've visited on my mobile have suggested tapatalk as a better mobile experience.

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  On 11/6/2016 at 8:51 PM, Clackscat said:

I've read this thread with interest, poor Dave must be wondering what he has started.


CM makes some interesting points, but I think misses the biggest point of all, in that this is a forum for Well fans, it is not and has never been a 'recruiting tool' for the club. It has evolved from humble beginnings as a small scale discussion forum for Well fans to have a much larger scale and scope than I think the originators could have foreseen. That guys who do this voluntarily and in their own time have achieved this is worthy of congratulations and they should not be the subject of some belittling comments from CM just because they do not fit in with his vision of how things should be done.


A lot of the things CM suggests are done by the club already, so I do not see the need to duplicate this. This site should be kept purely as a discussion forum and I for one enjoy the more reasoned posts and threads. I just ignore those I perceive as 'troll like'.


CM it would appear from what you tell us that you have been incredibly successful in your chosen field and congratulations to you for that. I do find it slightly puzzling though that you have achieved this success if you go about your business dealings in the same way you have gone about trying to persuade this forum on the merits of your proposal; because what you have done is actually dilute your own argument.


Perhaps spending so much time in the digital world has blunted your 'people' radar who knows, but first rule of business is don't belittle or make assumptions about people in general and especially those you have never met.


Excellent post - let me address a couple of points.


First, I do appreciate the work that the mods put in. However, I am worried about the future of the club, in particular the fan base. Members may note that I have been on this point for a while.


I'm sure that this forum is crucial, possibly more crucial, to the future of MFC than the founders, mods, and members realize. This is my area of expertise. I know what drives forum growth and I know how to digital market. I know what the percentage return rates are, I know the numbers game.


Lets look at the MFC podcast, for example. All the work that goes into creating that, it deserves a wide audience. It would take Andy_P as little as ten minutes to create a newsletter and send it out to an email list.


Ten minutes -


And the key to emails is engaging someone's interest - an email arriving into a Well fans inbox saying - "This Weeks Podcast - An Interview With Tommy Coyne," would generate traffic to the podcast Youtube channel. And once people are there they would listen to other interviews, because they are Well fans, they have subscribed, and they can double-opt in.


Better that than hoping they remember to log in here and pick up on the thread, huh?


And note - I offered my time to show how easy it is, and I offered to pay for the digital set up. The offer stands.


Second - I'm not a nice guy. When I see small minded people attack me on issues they know nothing about, you better believe I'll put the boot in. I enjoy it, grist to the mill. When I see mods launching personal attacks ( appalling behaviour on any forum ) I'll put the boot in.


Yabba's Turd knows what my problem with him is - he pulled the ultimate weasel mod stunt. Launched a personal attack, took a boot in the balls back, then used the big suspension button. What the fuck? that's like a wean taking the ba' hame cos he disnae like getting beat.


Fucking grow up.


Clamp down on personal attacks, clamp down on the use of swear words ( use the forum tools to suppress them ), and act the way mods should - keeping the place civil. That's your job here.


To the guy earlier that mentioned maybe I'm using this forum as a test - you're on the right track. I get called into forums to act as a professional troll. I also get called in to teach mods how to run forums, and how to destroy cliques and cabals. I've been quiet this weekend because I wiped out a troll cabal on a forum in Asia.


Abuse kills forums. People get sick of it and sign out. I'm hoping this penetrates Yabba's skull, as he can end it.


Oh, and I can guarantee you I have never trolled this forum. I'm not trolling Yabba in this post, I'm pointing out things that he knows to be true. Subtle difference, huh?


Anyway, I do get entertained at the hysterical, over the top reactions to my posts. Keep up the good work.

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  On 11/7/2016 at 9:17 PM, Yabba's Turd said:

It's an app for all your forums, slightly more control over what content you receive to your phone rather than logging in with your mobile browser. I haven't used tapatalk before now, but I have noticed quite a few fora I've visited on my mobile have suggested tapatalk as a better mobile experience.


Congratulations on introducing Tapatalk. On a recent test I did 93% of people were accessing the Internet via their mobile. That figure was a bit higher than expected.


Tapatalk can be a bit glitchy, but it's a decent application on the whole.

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  On 11/8/2016 at 12:46 AM, scoojy said:

What? Like Rambo, or something?

Quality! I actually lol'd at that.

Haha. I actually had to turn the ignore function off to read that message. I was intrigued. Then nearly fucking spat out my tea over the boy sitting across from me.


"I'm not a nice guy"

"Wiped out a troll cabal in Asia"


Right ye are Chuck Norris.

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The longer this goes on the more convinced I am that this is someone like Jay performing some sort of social experiment for his blog, or extra podcast content, seeing as talking about the football is depressing.


edit - or eddiemunster. Seems like something he would do.

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  On 11/8/2016 at 12:03 AM, CMWellfan said:

I get called into forums to act as a professional troll. I also get called in to teach mods how to run forums, and how to destroy cliques and cabals. I've been quiet this weekend because I wiped out a troll cabal on a forum in Asia.

:lol: might be the best paragraph I've ever read on this website.



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  On 11/8/2016 at 12:03 AM, CMWellfan said:

Yabba's Turd knows what my problem with him is - he pulled the ultimate weasel mod stunt. Launched a personal attack, took a boot in the balls back, then used the big suspension button. What the fuck? that's like a wean taking the ba' hame cos he disnae like getting beat.


Fucking grow up.


Clamp down on personal attacks, clamp down on the use of swear words ( use the forum tools to suppress them ), and act the way mods should - keeping the place civil. That's your job here.


Ha ha ha ha ha. 10/10. Would read again!



  On 11/8/2016 at 12:07 AM, CMWellfan said:

On a recent test I did 93% of people were accessing the Internet via their mobile.



Is that for the world population, the UK or just your Asian troll cabal??



I would like to sign up to an email notification for all things CMWellFan posts! Absolutely comedy gold. He will be back in the UK quicker than expected with the size of the hole he is digging himself on the pacific coast!

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Everyone on this thread seems focused on one person's comments. They seem to be missing the point.


Usage on this site is down and if it continues to decline, the site will no longer be viable.


From where I sit, there are a large number of fans who aren't aware of this site, there are also a large number of fans who have been members but now don't come back.


The main reason for that is abuse.

It's normal to disagree with someone's opinion, but to turn to abuse is ridiculous.

Some people do it because they think they'll get a laugh at someone else's expense.

Some people do it because it makes them feel more powerful than they could achieve without the anonymity.

Either way it shouldn't be tolerated or rewarded.

I stopped using this site in the past due to some of the abuse I witnessed.


This is a decent site. You should be doing all you can to bring new users to the site. If you weed out the abuse then you might encourage some of the old users to return too.

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