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League Cup 2017'18 Next: Celtic F (Hampden) 26/11/17 15:00


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A friend of the family was born in January 1976 and we progressed through that round of the cup. Another friend was born in February and we got through. I was born in the March and then that semi final took place.....


The discussion of this game comes up regularly at family gatherings and for those whose witnessed it, its clearky left its mark. Hell, even watching that footage is enough to make you spew!


As others have said, they got their comuppance when they died in 2012.

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Going to be a tad controversial here. That penalty decision was scandalous but what was Stewart Rennie doing for the equaliser?? Should have stayed on his line. That was the well team when I started going. In fact I got that away strip for having a good report card in Primary One......that was before I started telling bad jokes like McShug......whoops sorry

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  On 10/19/2017 at 6:03 PM, Clackscat said:

Been trying to find an archive copy of Jim Reynold's match report without success

Here's a scan of the Herald from the following day, is it in this one?



EDIT: Apologies, that's from two days later, here's the one from the next day, and they have all the others from around that time:


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  On 10/19/2017 at 6:45 PM, numpty said:

Here's a scan of the Herald from the following day, is it in this one?



EDIT: Apologies, that's from two days later, here's the one from the next day, and they have all the others from around that time:


Brilliant thanks Numpty and also pleased to see that I wasn't tripping earlier on in the thread and it was in fact Ian Archer who did the report and the front page piece. Mind you could feel my hackles rising reading Wallace's post match comments.

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  On 10/19/2017 at 6:40 PM, grizzlyg said:

Going to be a tad controversial here. That penalty decision was scandalous but what was Stewart Rennie doing for the equaliser?? Should have stayed on his line. That was the well team when I started going. In fact I got that away strip for having a good report card in Primary One......that was before I started telling bad jokes like McShug......whoops sorry

Not controversial in the slightest Grizzly, hard to argue that Stuart made an error at the 2nd goal, but in context the double whammy of a denied stonewaller for us plus a cheating dive given for them would have knocked the whole team sideways. Rennie was a good goalkeeper for us over a number of years. He was also unfortunate in the 1975 semi final v Airdrie when he was pulled up on the 4 steps rule and Airdrie scored from the free kick. To put that in context think of the current rule for keepers to get rid of the ball, when was the last time you saw a keeper penalised? Well it was the same then, that rule was hardly ever enforced., except for us in a semi final against the wee Rangers (sorry gettin paranoid here)


And the referee was Rollo Kyle who was one of the JPR Gordon's colleagues caught taking gifts from AC Milan!!!!!

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I wasn't at the '76 semi-final because it was the Easter holidays and my parents had dragged me off to a concentration, sorry holiday, camp in North Wales, no internet etc in those days, all we had was a BBC mid-week sports program presented by Harry Carpenter starting at 10 o'clock. He introduces the program by saying the 'Well are 2-0 up and we then get an hour of boxing, at 11 he closed the program with the full time score. it wasn't till I got back to school the next Monday and my mates revealed the true horror of what had happened. I still don't know whether that year or the Airdrie semi the year before (I was at both those games) was worst, but I do know that, even though it's 40 plus years on, I wouldn't piss on Derek Johnstone if he was on fire.

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  On 10/19/2017 at 6:06 PM, Dezz said:

No reason to doubt you mate.l but I was convinced a saw a tweet earlier quoting 6k but now I can't find it.


Finger crossed we do take 9,000. That would be an unbelievable effort considering our home attendance last season was generally 3,000-3,500.

I really dont understand why the club are being so secretive about how many tickets have been sold? At the moment we have a home support of roughly 4000. Anything above this is a bonus. I've seen a few people ask on twitter about numbers and there questions are ignored. One guy even asked how many buses where leaving from firpark and the answer he got was lots. Anyway can't wait for Sunday now. Convinced myself we're definitely going to win. COYW
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  On 10/19/2017 at 6:46 PM, Lobey_Dosser said:

Here's hoping we can defend better than the 76 team...

Indeed. Some horrific defending.


Also, the equaliser in the '76 game is remarkably similar to Darren Jackson's last minute equaliser in the '91 final.

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  On 10/19/2017 at 9:16 PM, Motherwellfc1991 said:

circa 7k tickets sold - decent against our average home support but in some ways a bit disappointing

Would have hoped with the form we are in more would want to see us beat Rangers this weekend. Still 7-8000 is twice our average homer crowd.


I am sure I read Hibs had only shifted 9000 or so tickets. I expect both gates to be around 40,000. Very much doubt the h**s will sell 38,000 tickets. Still 80,000 x say average £20 divided by 4 is not too shabby

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I hate this mob with all my might for the hurt they brought me throughout my years supporting Motherwell. I just hope we are so far ahead approaching the last 20 minutes that there will be no chance of a repeat of the 1976 semi final debacle. I firmly believe players like Moult and Hartley are born winners and don’t care who they are up against. It’s confidence like that which will hopefully see us reach the final against Hibernian on November 26.

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  On 10/20/2017 at 12:10 AM, Pettywulliegrew-2 said:

+1 our record against them is pathetic,as an unfortunate witness to the 76 semi and the Vic Davisdson 3-5 game 78,have witnessed so many pathetic performances against them..........on the bright side was at 3-1 game oct. 76,2-0 game that cost them the league in 79, 3-0 Jan 83.McLair hat-Rick ......then missed all the wins at Castlegrey skull..........have had a habit of missing our victories against them due to work/family holidays & commitments ........hopefully this will continue on Sunday.........as I'm at a wedding

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  On 10/20/2017 at 12:11 AM, weeyin said:

If I confirm that the exact number of 'Well fans at the game on Sunday will be 8,822, will that keep everybody happy who is obsessing over the ticket sales?

is enquiring how well our club is going to be represented by the support at hampden by the powers of social media really what would be described as obsessing? If thats the case then maybe asking any questions should be stopped immediately. Wouldn't want our fans to be obsessive.
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