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New Year Player Sale

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Following on from the manager rumour topic I was wondering  who will inevitably be sold on January 1st.

A few of the players will have sparked some interest with our league position combined with their performances

For me I think James Scott will be the first one sold. 

after that any permutation from Gallagher, Polworth or Gillespie

Outside bets would be Donnelly or Campbell.

I don't see Turnbull going anywhere until he  is established back in the team. I don't think any club would take the chance on buying anything other than a fit player.

This would then allow the likes of Semple, Maguire, Mugabi, Sloth and O'Hara to fill the vacant slots if no one else is brought in during the transfer window.

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I'm the opposite. I expect Turnbull will be first out the door (unless there are any players Robinson has decided won't make the grade and decides to shift).

And if Turnbull does go, then there is no need to sell anyone else.

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Aw crap , thats ma bubble burst ....... dismantling the team already , i cant even enjoy the recent good performances as anyone performing well will be off. I wish we were shite and could keep all our players.

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Are we in financial trouble akin to that of Inverness CT? If that's not the case, this is a bit premature. We made money off McKinsrty, McAlear and Hastie this summer, no need to be rushing to sell anyone. 

Also worth pointing out that it's the 9th October. Our league position and the players' form might be vastly different on 1st January.

Scott, I believe, will leave Motherwell for a seven figure sum. But not until he adds regular goals and assists. Polworth and Gallagher weren't exactly secret players we plucked from amateur football. Any clubs that might be interested in them would have been aware of them in the summer when they were free so can't see suddenly them wanting to pay a fee for them. One of the goalkeepers will probably go, if we get a bid. We didn't get a bid for Randolph in three seasons so no guarantees there. Campbell is great but his main asset at the moment is his engine, energy and drive. I suspect academies down south are full of 18-19 year olds with that. Donnelly, likeTait and Dunne, is a decent player at our level but has limitations that would prevent him from moving much higher in the game. 

What I do expect is that any summer signing deemed not to have worked out will be moved on. Alex Fisher, Taylor-Sinslair, Petravicius, we have a habit under Robinson of moving people on if they're not contributing. Wouldn't astound me if we started February without Sloth or Ilic in our squad...

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  On 10/9/2019 at 6:49 PM, MelvinBragg said:

What I do expect is that any summer signing deemed not to have worked out will be moved on. Alex Fisher, Taylor-Sinslair, Petravicius, we have a habit under Robinson of moving people on if they're not contributing. Wouldn't astound me if we started February without Sloth or Ilic in our squad... 


I don't disagree with that, but would add it depends on why they're not featuring right now. Gorrin was a good counter example that made an excellent (if short) contribution once he overcame his injury and fitness problems.

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  On 10/9/2019 at 6:49 PM, MelvinBragg said:

Are we in financial trouble akin to that of Inverness CT? If that's not the case, this is a bit premature. We made money off McKinsrty, McAlear and Hastie this summer, no need to be rushing to sell anyone. 


Don't forget too that Kipre's fee will fall into the 2018-19 accounts. Agree at the moment there's no pressure to sell.

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Illic is back in the squad, but what has happened to Sloth?

Taking O'Hara on loan was probably a give away that we wouldn't see Sloth feature much, if at all.

I can see Scott leave on an 'Erwin type' transfer. He's been good this season and has lots of potential. I thought he'd be a Lee McCulloch type, physical presence up front, but he's a player with considerable technical ability.

Turnbull should be aiming higher than Celtic when fit.

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HOTD for this pish. We haven’t even played a full round of fixtures yet our own fans are now jumping on the “who can we link with rangers or Celtic before we play them next?” Chat. Too much Daily Rangers or Sun readership for some on here if that’s the level we’re sinking to. 
How about asking how can we build to a decent squad? what do we need to strengthen? Who can we develop until the end of the season with perhaps allowing the club to make their money whilst allowing paying supporters to have a decent seasons football to watch in the meantime?


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  On 10/10/2019 at 6:14 AM, Kmac said:

HOTD for this pish. We haven’t even played a full round of fixtures yet our own fans are now jumping on the “who can we link with rangers or Celtic before we play them next?” Chat. Too much Daily Rangers or Sun readership for some on here if that’s the level we’re sinking to. 



I don't think it as much the media as fans swallowing the club's line that success equals selling players.


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  On 10/10/2019 at 6:14 AM, Kmac said:

HOTD for this pish. We haven’t even played a full round of fixtures yet our own fans are now jumping on the “who can we link with rangers or Celtic before we play them next?” Chat. Too much Daily Rangers or Sun readership for some on here if that’s the level we’re sinking to. 
How about asking how can we build to a decent squad? what do we need to strengthen? Who can we develop until the end of the season with perhaps allowing the club to make their money whilst allowing paying supporters to have a decent seasons football to watch in the meantime?



This topic was going to be started by someone sooner or later, was inevitable when we are riding so high in the league, theres an international break and we get time to reflect. 

I know we all want to stick our heads in the sand and hope no other club notices our players and manager but we have been shifting a lot of decent players last few years for good money and addons whilst bringing in a new wave of replacements every summer. We then manage to get them playing well, improving them and I believe scouts are watching us more closely.

I think a few on here are going to be pretty disappointed when a few are sold in January. Nothing at all to do with anything Old Firm related and I never mentioned them once in my opening post or even hinted at them.

As for chat about building the team. Never going to happen. Even a hint we have a sellable asset they will be gone.

Players and even the Manager signing new deals only increases their value slightly to allow the club a better bargaining position when the inevitable happens. Its a risky tactic that maybe be worthwhile if the club assesses that their value wont decline short term and they stay in the limelight.

At least the club look to sell the player at their true value nowadays rather than the first sign of a wallet opening.

I banged the drum previously about how we should be building a team for at least a few seasons but I am now in the firm belief that's not our model and never will be sadly. Just my opinion but one that has played out the last few years at the club

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  On 10/10/2019 at 6:14 AM, Kmac said:

HOTD for this pish. We haven’t even played a full round of fixtures yet our own fans are now jumping on the “who can we link with rangers or Celtic before we play them next?” Chat. Too much Daily Rangers or Sun readership for some on here if that’s the level we’re sinking to. 
How about asking how can we build to a decent squad? what do we need to strengthen? Who can we develop until the end of the season with perhaps allowing the club to make their money whilst allowing paying supporters to have a decent seasons football to watch in the meantime?



Weird post IMO. We sometimes sell players. This is a discussion forum. All your other points are discussed regularly in other threads. 


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Don't see the problem with the post to be honest, it's international break and Scotland are honking so we need something to discuss.

Also, just because someone is suggesting a player could be away in January doesn't mean that we actually want them to leave. It's a discussion thread on an internet forum, nothing to get to wound up about.

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