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New Investment Options


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Well done to all involved in the creation of a structured, comprehensive and credible plan outlining the vast potential of our Club and Community. This document needs to land on the doorstep of every Business and dwelling in Lanarkshire (impractical I know but we all need to spread the word in any way we can)

As a byproduct it certainly points to how complacent the current Executive Board have become over the years.

And great to see Grimmy has not lost touch.


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It's also important to note that for those who contribute to the Well Society on a monthly basis, and who may have been worried that their money would go directly into the club, the general idea is to maintain the Society's original values, whereby those contributions are still retained for "break glass in emergency" situations.

I mention this because I know it was a concern for a few people.

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After reading that through twice, it is well put together and the combination of the Podcast with Jay at least lets us see there is a plan in place from the Society and I look forward to see how much of it comes to fruition for them. Seems to be  a lot of work done around the whole proposal and good to see it doesn't just focus on the club but the community, Womens team, the towns and villages around Motherwell. I hope that includes the likes of Cumbernauld. Its only 20 minutes drive away, so well within travelling distance by car and easily accessible now by train.


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17 minutes ago, Well-Made said:

After reading that through twice, it is well put together and the combination of the Podcast with Jay at least lets us see there is a plan in place from the Society and I look forward to see how much of it comes to fruition for them. Seems to be  a lot of work done around the whole proposal and good to see it doesn't just focus on the club but the community, Womens team, the towns and villages around Motherwell. I hope that includes the likes of Cumbernauld. Its only 20 minutes drive away, so well within travelling distance by car and easily accessible now by train.


I would be surprised if it doesn't; I'm assuming that the data presented represents the (for want of a better management consulting bullshit phrase) low hanging fruit in terms of percentages etc. so other towns would be on the list, too.

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Outstanding piece of work carried out by the WS board . 
Amazing what fresh faces with good ideas can bring to the table .

Possibly a good time to point out how important it is to have your vote count when electing members to the board . Your vote and who you vote for really matters it really does

Pragmatic and just as import achievable with endless opportunities to expand /progress.

As a fan of 53 years of going to FP and watching my team I’m very happy as to the future vision where it’s safeguarded by like minded people . 
A club embedded in  our community .

Mr Barmack if your reading this I’m sure if you didn’t get it before then you must surely get it now .

Do the honourable thing .

If you don’t I’m sure the WS members will do it on your behalf 

.PA only thing I’m not entirely in line with is the bit that going to FP has health benefits . I’m pretty sure it’s been a place where my blood pressure has been well and truly tested over the years 😃💪


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1 hour ago, wellfan said:

Personal highlights, which I read as a fuck you to the Chairman and his cronies, are:

  • A new shareholder agreement, drafted to ensure any ambiguity in the relationship between the majority shareholder and Club is removed.
  • The appointment of new directors to the Club board to faithfully advocate the views of the membership commensurate with our 71.7% shareholding.


Agreed - someone on P&B suggested a "thinly-veiled" dig at Dickie and Feeney. There should have been no need to veil anything - they should have been named and shamed in that part.

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4 minutes ago, steelman1991 said:

Agreed - someone on P&B suggested a "thinly-veiled" dig at Dickie and Feeney. There should have been no need to veil anything - they should have been named and shamed in that part.

I think there is a need for the Society Board to be very careful and diplomatic throughout all of this; they're a very public face of a very public opposition to something the Exec Board is pushing.

I think resorting to calling out/naming and shaming wouldn't be in their best interests; it would just fuel the fire of those opposing them and give them more ammo to paint them as "daft wee lads and lasses who aren't business people".

Being professional and doing things in the manner which they're doing them demonstrates an incredible level of control and dignity. They're also going to stand up on Wednesday and take questions and listen to their members/fans; something the Exec Board aren't willing to. That speaks volumes to their character and belief in what they're presenting.

Edit: I think by all means we as fans/non-board members can call out the hypocrisy of certain ex-board members and others, but I think the current Board are handling themselves brilliantly.

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The plan looks good. Hopefully we can all get behind it as a support and move into the next stage of fan ownership. 

McMahon's deal gives us just six years of 'security'. The Well Society is how we genuinely secure the club for future generations of fans.

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I'm currently having an online spat with someone who still thinks EBs offer should be accepted.

His reasoning is "At least he's put a figure on his investment all the WS have given us is a load of things theyre hoping will happen"

I'm about ready to punch my screen in.

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5 minutes ago, santheman said:

I'm currently having an online spat with someone who still thinks EBs offer should be accepted.

His reasoning is "At least he's put a figure on his investment all the WS have given us is a load of things theyre hoping will happen"

I'm about ready to punch my screen in.

It's barely an investment. He puts in £1.9m and in return gets a shareholding worth more than that. 

It's making money on the deal not spending it. The Well Society need to spell that out. 

There's also zero detail on what he's planning to spend the 'investment' money on. 

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Just now, steelboy said:

It's barely an investment. He puts in £1.9m and in return gets a shareholding worth more than that. 

It's making money on the deal not spending it. The Well Society need to spell that out. 

There's also zero detail on what he's planning to spend the 'investment' money on. 

"Strategic projects", man. Strategic. Projects.


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Really pleased this has been published at last and seems to be generating a very positive response.

It finally gives us something to present to the naysayers who keep parrotting that fan ownership doesnt work.

Being able to demonstrate that it does and show how it can become even stronger in the future was always going to be the best way to win this debate.

Hopefully it will have the required effect and we can win this vote and go about making our club the best version of itself we can.

Well done to all involved!

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28 minutes ago, StAndrew7 said:

I think there is a need for the Society Board to be very careful and diplomatic throughout all of this; they're a very public face of a very public opposition to something the Exec Board is pushing.

I think resorting to calling out/naming and shaming wouldn't be in their best interests; it would just fuel the fire of those opposing them and give them more ammo to paint them as "daft wee lads and lasses who aren't business people".

Being professional and doing things in the manner which they're doing them demonstrates an incredible level of control and dignity. They're also going to stand up on Wednesday and take questions and listen to their members/fans; something the Exec Board aren't willing to. That speaks volumes to their character and belief in what they're presenting.

Edit: I think by all means we as fans/non-board members can call out the hypocrisy of certain ex-board members and others, but I think the current Board are handling themselves brilliantly.

Have I missed news of this ?.

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1 hour ago, StAndrew7 said:

"Strategic projects", man. Strategic. Projects.


I'm not going to talk to the prick on Twitter but can someone ask him just how much he intends to spend on AI marketing and branding in year one? He surely at least knows that. 

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32 minutes ago, StAndrew7 said:

I think there is a need for the Society Board to be very careful and diplomatic throughout all of this; they're a very public face of a very public opposition to something the Exec Board is pushing.

I think resorting to calling out/naming and shaming wouldn't be in their best interests; it would just fuel the fire of those opposing them and give them more ammo to paint them as "daft wee lads and lasses who aren't business people".

Being professional and doing things in the manner which they're doing them demonstrates an incredible level of control and dignity. They're also going to stand up on Wednesday and take questions and listen to their members/fans; something the Exec Board aren't willing to. That speaks volumes to their character and belief in what they're presenting.

Edit: I think by all means we as fans/non-board members can call out the hypocrisy of certain ex-board members and others, but I think the current Board are handling themselves brilliantly.

Sometimes I let my heart rule my head 😀 Left to me there would have been a public flogging at Motherwell Cross by now.

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17 minutes ago, santheman said:

I'm currently having an online spat with someone who still thinks EBs offer should be accepted.

His reasoning is "At least he's put a figure on his investment all the WS have given us is a load of things theyre hoping will happen"

I'm about ready to punch my screen in.

Basically he just doesn't want to put any more of his readies into the club, therefore happy for someone else to - irrespective of the outcome. At least 2 folk that I know think that way.

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25 minutes ago, santheman said:

I'm currently having an online spat with someone who still thinks EBs offer should be accepted.

His reasoning is "At least he's put a figure on his investment all the WS have given us is a load of things theyre hoping will happen"

I'm about ready to punch my screen in.

For the record, while the proposal document outlines how the Society intends to raise funds through various revenue channels, it is not as detailed as a business plan, simply because such detail is not typically included in a proposal. Essentially, it is a presentation that charts the way forward.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) and projected return on investment (ROI) for the avenues mentioned by the Society are already established and will be shared in due course. I am confident that these avenues will generate more revenue annually than what Wild Sheep Sports is offering, and without the need to relinquish almost 50% of the club or allow a very influential boardroom presence.

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It’s pretty telling that the Club haven’t used their social media channels to promote the Well Society’s plan today. They were happy to push the Barmack offer on their socials. McMahon really is a dictator. However, to give some acknowledgement, the Club have published it on their website, although it’s now buried beneath the new signing news.


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48 minutes ago, steelman1991 said:

Basically he just doesn't want to put any more of his readies into the club, therefore happy for someone else to - irrespective of the outcome. At least 2 folk that I know think that way.

Surely you can just stop your direct debit if thats the way you feel?

No need to press the nuclear button and f#ck it for everyone else!

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39 minutes ago, David said:

For the record, while the proposal document outlines how the Society intends to raise funds through various revenue channels, it is not as detailed as a business plan, simply because such detail is not typically included in a proposal. Essentially, it is a presentation that charts the way forward.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) and projected return on investment (ROI) for the avenues mentioned by the Society are already established and will be shared in due course. I am confident that these avenues will generate more revenue annually than what Wild Sheep Sports is offering, and without the need to relinquish almost 50% of the club or allow a very influential boardroom presence.

Thats useful info David.

Will help us argue against the inevitible pushback.

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50 minutes ago, steelman1991 said:

Basically he just doesn't want to put any more of his readies into the club, therefore happy for someone else to - irrespective of the outcome. At least 2 folk that I know think that way.

Also, he's not. He's putting the money into the Society, who in turn give it to the Club as required.

And aye. Just stop your DD then.

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1 minute ago, joewarkfanclub said:

Surely you can just stop your direct debit if thats the way you feel?

No need to press the nuclear button and f#ck it for everyone else!

Why would I do that? The comment you posted on wasn't about me but someone santheman was having a "spat" with on facebook.

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3 minutes ago, steelman1991 said:

Why would I do that? The comment you posted on wasn't about me but someone santheman was having a "spat" with on facebook.

I think he was just making a general comment about people that are saying that, not you directly (as was I). 👍

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