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Charter To Romania

Guest 'Flow

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  Welldaft Mk1 said:
What in Romania?


All being well we are due into Bucharest at around 00.20 on Thursday morning. We are staying at the Hilton Athenee Palace. Don't know where it is in Bucharest - but fairly central I think.


Quite central, very close to University Square. A bit far from Ghencea Stadium though.

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I might be going on this, but if i do i wont be able to afford accomodation :cheers:


Any lovely dossers want to let me kip on the floor in exchange for a score and a hefty amount of booze when we return home?

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Hero! Like i said i'm not sure at the moment and probably wont know until about 5am tomorrow :cheers:


If i see you on the plane i'll gladly take up yer kind offer.




ps. if you pull then i'm partial to a spit roast so thats not a problem.

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  trafficlight said:
Don't mean to sound patronising, but for a woman travelling alone I would say it's the safest bet. Not that women shouldn't travel alone in the same way guys do, but it's always better to be sensible. Safety in numbers etc in a unfamiliar country.


I went all the way to Nancy on my own and back I did manage to meet lots of Well fans on the way mind. Still aint decided if Im going to Bucharest yet but looks like if I am its on my own again as my dads working and my pals skint.

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  Piggymfc said:
I went all the way to Nancy on my own and back I did manage to meet lots of Well fans on the way mind. Still aint decided if Im going to Bucharest yet but looks like if I am its on my own again as my dads working and my pals skint.

Hope you manage to go. You will meet up with lots of 'Well fans and will have a great time. If I was there I would go by myself because although you might get there by yourself, you are not alone. All the best.

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Sitting in Glasgow airport just now. My flight has been delayed so leaving it VERY tight for the connection in Amsterdam! Still fairly confident I will make it but doubt I will get the extra pint or two I was hoping for!!


Not seen any 'Well fans! Looks like I am going to be on my Jack Jones until atleast The Dam!


Mon Ra 'Well!!

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text from mwellhighland. Him and steeledge are wandering about on their tod, and haven't seen any other well fans yet. They want to know if anyone is congregating / meeting anywhere?


Anyone help?

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