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Exactly 12 Months Ago

El Grew

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Almost exactly 12 months ago, we humped Aberdeen with some of the best football seen in a long time from a Motherwell team. The team that day (15th December 2007) was:-



Quinn, Craigan, Reynolds, Paterson

Lasley, Hughes, McGarry

McCormack, Porter, Clarkson


Since that game we've only lost Paterson and McCormack so why are the rest so f*cking poor all of a sudden?


Apart from losing two damned good players I think one of the major reasons we have 'gone backwards' has been the introduction of Chris Sutton which has taken us back to being a one-dimensional side again favouring long ball football. This type of football requires midfielders to do a lot of running and chasing all over the place for second ball knock downs as opposed to them getting possession, playing passes and creating openings for the forwards like last season. Football is a very tiring game when you don't have the ball.


With Hammell in for Paterson could Murphy not be slotted in to the McCormack position? Could MM not do this and see if it works?

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the link up between our strikers last season was excellent whenever we had to hit the ball long we had good movement either side of porter in mccormack and clarkson.this season none of our strikers are on the same wave length when the ball is flicked on its never to any of our players.porter and sutton up front aint working and if we go with a front three of porter,clarkson,murphy thats a similar shape to what we used last season so we must get back to that.we dont have the midfield to play the long game either cause none of them make the run to try and get beyond for a flick on.its time we got back to the same shape and mentality that saw us play some excellent football last season

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Guest JohnnyDefault

I think wee need to get the ball back on the deck and find somone to provide that ammununition from both wings that McCormack could.


I'd have Stepover back in a heartbeat as he used to go on the outside and cross - as opposed to turning inside and skelping a prospective cross off a defender.


It was John Sutton we signed mind you - I think he's a fair enough player and could play in the Porter role in his own right. Right now tho' the two of them together ain't working.


Clarky has been a disappointment this season - I know many have said - he doesn't like playing deeper or wide - however time for the sleeves to be rolled up and play where yer telt and get results (stay on yer feet as well)


An established winger is fast becoming the key deal of the transfer window!

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It's not working because Porter couldn't score in a brothel. He should have banged a hatrick against Killie and had just as many chances today, including what looked like a half arsed header which he could have brought down, did 50 keepy uppies and still have a chance to pick his spot!


Our form has nothing to do with losing McCormack, it has nothing to do with losing Paterson either. It is about the inability of our strikers to score in a brothel. We are still creating enough chances to win games at a canter!


PS. Out of all the players we are missing from the first half of last season for me would be O'Donnell! No one in the middle with the ability and brain of him.

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  JohnnyDefault said:
Clarky has been a disappointment this season -


An established winger is fast becoming the key deal of the transfer window!



I disagree on that first point totally. The very fact that DC has been missing on our worst back to back pwerformances in about 15 months tells its own story!!!#


DC had talent, hunger and pace.


Not a single one of ANY player on the field the last two games have shown ANY of those attributes.


Play him up front with ONE big guy and get at least TWO fast wingers in the transfer window. I don't care if they are from Bellshill of Botswana just get them in!!

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Deeply disappointed with our performance today – in fact, I've been deeply disappointed with the majority of our performances this season! What's the difference from this term to last you ask 'Grew? Well for me the biggest difference is without doubt the evaporating intensity & focus from our manager transmitting itself to the players!


We're short on bodies and short on talent compared to some but we gelled as a team last season, we were up for it right from the start with a fresh dynamism, and most of all we got where we were by focusing on doing the basics brilliantly – defend solidly, pass to one of your own, shoot on target and work, work, work, don't hide or pass the buck!


I was desperate to retain Marky boy after his heroics, but what I failed to appreciate was how much his head was up his own arse looking for a move that suited - and this has cost us big time! For the manager sets the tone, he sets the example, he sets the team up on a Saturday – and most of all he ensures that we have the heart and attitude that brings the momentum of success. For me McGhee lost all his hunger and intensity to take Motherwell forwards ever since he stepped off the plane to see Romanov. He seems to be (consciously or unconsciously) somewhere else, almost as if he thinks that he's done as much in his first season as he can for our club and deserves his next big move!


I've lost count of the number of games this season where I've thought in the first 10 minutes that we just didn't look up for it, we seemed to be a team set adrift... and instead of a playing with collective purpose we have descended into a bunch of individuals devoid of ideas who end up punting the ball in the vein hope of getting a break... totally forgetting that good things don't just happen, you've got to be up for the fight and make them happen!


We need a change, not necessarily in personnel, but a change in our approach. We need to see McGhee getting back to the basics; giving our team a shape and game plan that suits the players we've got... giving our players confidence and stop them from feeling so under pressure they forget how to play and make silly mistakes or hide... drilling our defence hard so they know where they're at instead of leaking easy goals... changing our set up to bring a freshness to our play and give the opposition something to worry about... and most of all bring back the intensity, focus and total belief in the cause we thrived on last season rather than the disjointed, dispirited, defeated team we are descending into!

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Good post as ever there

Can't argue with a word of it either. Players feed off the Manager. His tone and attidude can't be right, it just can't. Add to that the only guys in the squad with any spirit have been missing in DC and Craigan. Add to that that the manager's signings WERE NOT GOOD ENOUGH and you have the formula for the despair we have been served up this season.

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  Glenmorangie said:
We need a change, not necessarily in personnel, but a change in our approach. We need to see McGhee getting back to the basics; giving our team a shape and game plan that suits the players we've got... giving our players confidence and stop them from feeling so under pressure they forget how to play and make silly mistakes or hide... drilling our defence hard so they know where they're at instead of leaking easy goals... changing our set up to bring a freshness to our play and give the opposition something to worry about... and most of all bring back the intensity, focus and total belief in the cause we thrived on last season rather than the disjointed, dispirited, defeated team we are descending into!

Agree wholeheartedly with the full post but this section particularly caught my eye. What you've described above, is that not basically the role of any good football manager? And if McGhee is not doing this at the moment, what is he doing...???

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  Glenmorangie said:
For me McGhee lost all his hunger and intensity to take Motherwell forwards ever since he stepped off the plane to see Romanov. He seems to be (consciously or unconsciously) somewhere else, almost as if he thinks that he's done as much in his first season as he can for our club and deserves his next big move!


Hit the nail on the head, for me though I think the Nancy games burst his bubble, he admitted he stayed for European football, haven fallen on his arse at the first hurdle (and secured a nice wee pay bump on the way having manipulated the alleged Lithuanian scenario to his advantage), he's disinterested and coasting, key players in the team are expecting a move on the back of what they achieved last season, its a vicious circle. He canny lift the team, the team areny that bothered because 3 or 4 of them ain't gonny be here in their own minds as of January.

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  Glenmorangie said:
Deeply disappointed with our performance today – in fact, I've been deeply disappointed with the majority of our performances this season! What's the difference from this term to last you ask 'Grew? Well for me the biggest difference is without doubt the evaporating intensity & focus from our manager transmitting itself to the players!


We're short on bodies and short on talent compared to some but we gelled as a team last season, we were up for it right from the start with a fresh dynamism, and most of all we got where we were by focusing on doing the basics brilliantly – defend solidly, pass to one of your own, shoot on target and work, work, work, don't hide or pass the buck!


I was desperate to retain Marky boy after his heroics, but what I failed to appreciate was how much his head was up his own arse looking for a move that suited - and this has cost us big time! For the manager sets the tone, he sets the example, he sets the team up on a Saturday – and most of all he ensures that we have the heart and attitude that brings the momentum of success. For me McGhee lost all his hunger and intensity to take Motherwell forwards ever since he stepped off the plane to see Romanov. He seems to be (consciously or unconsciously) somewhere else, almost as if he thinks that he's done as much in his first season as he can for our club and deserves his next big move!


I've lost count of the number of games this season where I've thought in the first 10 minutes that we just didn't look up for it, we seemed to be a team set adrift... and instead of a playing with collective purpose we have descended into a bunch of individuals devoid of ideas who end up punting the ball in the vein hope of getting a break... totally forgetting that good things don't just happen, you've got to be up for the fight and make them happen!


We need a change, not necessarily in personnel, but a change in our approach. We need to see McGhee getting back to the basics; giving our team a shape and game plan that suits the players we've got... giving our players confidence and stop them from feeling so under pressure they forget how to play and make silly mistakes or hide... drilling our defence hard so they know where they're at instead of leaking easy goals... changing our set up to bring a freshness to our play and give the opposition something to worry about... and most of all bring back the intensity, focus and total belief in the cause we thrived on last season rather than the disjointed, dispirited, defeated team we are descending into!


You've certainly articulated what I have felt well said. Do the simple things well, most of all though I want the team to start looking as if they are hurting like we do when we get muscled off the park or playing as if they only meet up for 90 minutes once a week.

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Have said this a couple of times but I think we really miss Patterson getting behind the defence and cutting balls back from the by line. Hammell, although a decent player, generally stops and turns back when he gets beyond the half way line or plays a long ball.

We need to get round defences and give Sutton and Porter tap-ins.

Mc Cormack is missed up front too. I dont know why McGhee doesnt coach Murphy in the role.

Yesterday after half time we were building a head of stem and creating chances, with Murphy and Porter dragging defenders. Then inexplicably Murphy got taken off and we lost our threat again.

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There are a whole load of reasons that would take all day to go into in detail with but we have a manager who in my opinion has lost the drive and enthusiasm he had for the job. This seems to be reflected in the body language of the players.


We were for large parts the better team yesterday, but we lacking confidence and bombscare at the back. Any ball humped towards our backline had us looking very creaky. I have no idea why Murphy got hooked, he without setting the game alight was playing ok and looked capable of doing a job in that sort of advanced wide position. Been said by a load of people but Sutton and Porter isn't working. Ideally with everyone available we have Clarkson and Murphy playing off one or the other, probably Porter. O'Brien, Smith and Sutton being the back up to these three to keep them om their toes.


We just don't have the wide midfield players to play a 4-4-2, McGhee needs to get back to the fluid 4-3-3. By all means get someone like Lappin in if possible to allow us be more flexible and maybe play 4-4-2 but we only hurting ourselves recently by trying to stick square pegs into round holes.


Also the defence, best teams are built from the back. Last season we had one big flaw, weakness at set pieces but otherwise a fairly solid unit. We certainly not went forward. Hammell isn't a patch on Paterson defending or going forward. For all his limitations we missing Craigan. Reynolds isn't really a centre back in my mind and been exposed enough times that I hope the manager sees his future elsewhere and Quinn not been as effective either. Add to this Klimpl who was a bombscare yesterday but fired into team after been injured for months and a 17 year old who not disgraced himself by any means, but it a high pressure time to be blooding a youngster over the next few games.


I want McGhee to go, not because I think he is a poor manager or that someone better is waiting but you could have the best manager in the world but if he not interested then you not getting the benefit. Boyle should never have caved and doubled the management teams wages, there went a huge chunk of the budget. No wonder we struggled to add to the squad. We have missed a big opportunity this season and I can't help thinking it wouldn't have happened if we had a manager whose mind was 100% on the job at hand.

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To be honest, we do not have the players to play 4-4-2, or maybe even 4-3-3. We have very few players who could be described as wide midfielders. I would be comfortable with Darren Smith playing on the right hand side of midfield, but other than that I'm lost for them. Fitzpatrick isn't a wide midfielder, as much as I've thought he's improved. McGarry is not a wide midfielder, as much as he has been played there constantly for us. Lasley can't be argued with in the heart of midfield, but again he is not a wide midfielder. Jim O'Brien hasn't done it for me at all yet. And I also think Jamie Murphy is very much at a loss when playing wide in midfield.

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I reckon the nail was hit firmly on the head with the signing Sutton being a large factor. Any time we get the ball down and play, we look a far superior team, but we keep losing the heid and pushing ourselves to score and insisting on a long ball.

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Part of the problem i agree was the signing of Sutton, a few people at the time voiced concern about us turning into a long ball team again, and yup, we have. However, as Dodge said to the guys at 7s, McGhee replaced Phil with a holding Midfielder, now that changes the emphasis straight away, as we all remember Phil was a box to box midfielder, Bob, is not, when players go, his replacements are bizarre to say the least


Uncle Phil - Bob Malcolm

Rosscoe - John Sutton


Very unusual replacements, hardly like for like!


Box to Box midfielder - Holding midfielder

Fast tricky ball at feet forward - long ball targetman


Strange indeed

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Exellent post from Glenmorangie, articulating well the concerns many on this board seem to have about McGhee's enthusiasm ( or lack of ) just now. Perhaps privately he regrets staying at Fir Park after his soul searching regarding the Hearts job, who knows? But the fact is the guy has a job to do in the here and now. I said yesterday McGhee hasn't become a bad manager in the space of a few months, nor has a team which finished third last season. And if last season was overachievement, this, so far is a story of underachievement. I think/hope McGhee is good enough to put it right ( and the club can't afford to sack him, even if they wanted to ) but he urgently needs to earn his corn by reversing this spell of form. What's more, he must display he has stomach for the fight. It's the very least 'Well fans should expect, and should he lack that, he should walk away. Assuming he still wants to be Motherwell manager, he must demonstrate he can, firstly, identify the causes of the slide down the table and, secondly, put them right. He has the ability, he must show the desire.



Best of luck.

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A lot of good posts here it always strikes me that the fans know what's wrong in terms of selection and tactics yet MM doesn't. Porter and Sutton doesn't work. Hopefully DC will be back on saturday and give us the type of performance he did last season in the midweek game against ICT when we were quite magnificent in the 1st half to eventually win 3-0 and he scored a cracker. I still think that with Craigan back and Reynolds removed from our defence hopefully to a midfield role left side in place of McGarry whose been pants all season we can start to score again an show some fighting spirit in our relegation battle. I still believe that ICT and Accies will finish below us.

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