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  steelboy said:


i've absolutely nae interest in get a gun shot at me, ever. if you really don't want to get shot or blown up why join the military? the army, rigs, fisherman it's all the same you do it because you think the money outweighs the risks, for most people who do it does but if you lose the gamble and you're one of the unlucky ones tough.


I'm sure our Grandfathers didn't want a gun fired at them either, but like these lads they served their country so wee bawbags like you could sit here and talk shite.

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  steelboy said:


i've absolutely nae interest in get a gun shot at me, ever. if you really don't want to get shot or blown up why join the military? the army, rigs, fisherman it's all the same you do it because you think the money outweighs the risks, for most people who do it does but if you lose the gamble and you're one of the unlucky ones tough.


Have you any idea of what money a soldier earns, your in studentland if you think anyone would join the Army for the money, I'm curious why you felt the need to get ripped into the Mhanks for disrupting a minutes silence, when you hold such views about the forces.

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  something else said:
I'm sure our Grandfathers didn't want a gun fired at them either, but like these lads they served their country so wee bawbags like you could sit here and talk shite.


You're not seriously trying to compare todays rationale for war with that of Hitlers Third Reich? ;):P



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I actually agree that we were sold down the river. I marched in london against the war but I have never once lay blame on the servicemen that serve our country. Basically they have to do what they are told. And they are getting killed by terrorists whilst trying to protect the Iraqi civillians. Is that right.

The british troops whether Navy, Marines, SAS, Army or RAF will always have my support whether I agree with a war or not.

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  something else said:
I'm sure our Grandfathers didn't want a gun fired at them either, but like these lads they served their country so wee bawbags like you could sit here and talk shite.


if they were protecting british people against an aggressor i'd back them. the fact is we're not any safer and the two countries they're in are more volatile than before the wars started. half million dead iraqis for what?


we've been at war for eight years, no one is there that didn't know what they were signing up for.


  Moe_Green said:
Have you any idea of what money a soldier earns, your in studentland if you think anyone would join the Army for the money, I'm curious why you felt the need to get ripped into the Mhanks for disrupting a minutes silence, when you hold such views about the forces.


they earn more than a lot of people over here and no one makes them do it. i didn't care that celtic fans don't have any respect for rememberance, that's their choice, i was bothered about the fact that they ruined it for everyone else that wanted the minute's silence.

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  Chris said:
Ah, I see the right wing brigade are no good at debate so therefore resort to insults.


I admire your intellect. Bravo.


You resorted to a few insults yourself with your retorts to shut the fuck up and jog on. Perhaps folks just don't respond well to your condecension?


As for being right wing, for your information I can support our troops without being right wing. Suppprting our troops doesn't somehow turn a person into a neo-Nazi. Now, if you were to turn your ire on those to actually blame - Bush's war machine, and lapdog Blair - then I'd be right behind you.

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  something else said:
So little testicle holders like your good self could sit here and talk utter excrement


testicle holders/bawbag for anyones sake change the bloody record. Just because everyone doesn't agree with your stance on the rights and wrongs of the army, give the rest of us a break from your inane ramblings.

Bored beyond belief with your self righteous stance on this subject. You appear to be in love with the army, others have a different opinion. Get over it.

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  steelboy said:
if they were protecting british people against an aggressor i'd back them. the fact is we're not any safer and the two countries they're in are more volatile than before the wars started. half million dead iraqis for what?


we've been at war for eight years, no one is there that didn't know what they were signing up for.




they earn more than a lot of people over here and no one makes them do it. i didn't care that celtic fans don't have any respect for rememberance, that's their choice, i was bothered about the fact that they ruined it for everyone else that wanted the minute's silence.

So you're against them then? You want them blew up by terrror groups and suicide bombers? And was Saddam not an agressor. He certainly had the mindset if not the means.

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Superb,we have one hypocrite who gets ripped into fans of another club for basically holding the same views as he does, The other is anti war blah blah blah, but plays war games on his computer, 'Call of Duty' anyone, you could not make it up.


How does it go Chris, left right left right..................Hilarious.




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  Haggischomper said:
You resorted to a few insults yourself with your retorts to shut the fuck up and jog on. Perhaps folks just don't respond well to your condecension?


As for being right wing, for your information I can support our troops without being right wing. Suppprting our troops doesn't somehow turn a person into a neo-Nazi. Now, if you were to turn your ire on those to actually blame - Bush's war machine, and lapdog Blair - then I'd be right behind you.


+1 and I vote Solidarity ;) How right wing am I ?

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  nethertonwellfan said:
+1 and I vote Solidarity ;) How right wing am I ?


That's the thing though that some on here don't seem to understand. So many people these days, over here and back home, seem to be blinkered in their choices by being either left-wing or right-wing. Choices in life are never that cut-and-dried or black and white. It's always been a bit of this and a bit of that.

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  nethertonwellfan said:
So you're against them then? You want them blew up by terrror groups and suicide bombers?


Irrational retort.


I don't support the troops.... but equally I don't want them dead!


Haggis: Of course there's 2 men who are to blame, however I will not and cannot accept that soldiers are blameless in all this.

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  Chris said:
Irrational retort.


I don't support the troops.... but equally I don't want them dead!


Haggis: Of course there's 2 men who are to blame, however I will not and cannot accept that soldiers are blameless in all this.

Aye but they signed up so its their own fault!

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  Moe_Green said:
Superb,we have one hypocrite who gets ripped into fans of another club for basically holding the same views as he does, The other is anti war blah blah blah, but plays war games on his computer, 'Call of Duty' anyone, you could not make it up.


How does it go Chris, left right left right..................Hilarious.





COD isn't mine, so calm it. ;)

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  Neil said:
Dry yer eyes you complete buffoon.


Why would anyone "love it" when you hear of a young man being killed?


Away and take a look at yourself.




That guy is a bit of a lunatic, or seems to be.


If you don't support the troops getting tickets it equates to wanting muslim extremists to have them or wanting british troops killed?


I'm insulted at that latter insinuation in particular as my distaste for all things military comes down to a valuation for human life. I don't want to see anyone getting killed.

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