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Anti-bigotry Lessons At Fir Park?


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Will Kearney offer a deal if we did sign up?


i.e. buy a course of Anti-Bigotry and get 50% off Paranoia 101 and a free Geography seminar (that conveys that we are actually in Ireland). Not forgetting a reduced rate subscription to "The Struggle" a monthly magazine that tries to convince its readers they do have a valid reason to sing about wars 300 years ago.

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Anti bigotry lessons what a load of Sh*te they should stick to religion and get their own house in order before shouting at other people. This all stems from the dark lords of the Sith at Parkhead trying to stir up trouble. :ph34r: Their refusal to condem the anti poppy brigade speaks volumes about them.

The church are trying to stir up the dark side members to overthrow the establishment we need to beware and tell them to GTF, where is Obi Wan when you need him ;)

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Their refusal to condem the anti poppy brigade speaks volumes about them.


How hard is it to identify someone? You look at the CCTV footage, you tie that in with your season ticket database and you tell them to bugger off. Why are we still waiting to hear something 4 weeks later?


For me, there are bigger issues here, a portion of Celtic fans do this every year, they had meetings well in advance with supporters groups, however the board always seem surprised. Celtic FC employees then facilitated them getting the banners into the ground (probably through the exit gates due to the size). Nothing happened on the day to cease the protest, nothing was said after the game, very little came out in the press until the radio phone-ins on Monday night.


Clean up your own house Kearney!

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SPL football stars are to be given anti-bigotry classes set up by the Catholic church.

Victims of sectarian abuse - including priests - will visit clubs to educate players and staff.


Could easily read like this...


Catholic priests are to be given anti-child abuse classes set up by the SPL.

Victims of child abuse - including ex footballers - will visit chapels to educate priests and staff.


This is all complete nonsense, just who are the Catholic church to tell football players how they should or should not behave. They should get their own house in order first, before they start lecturing players and staff on bigotry.

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so, basically, a bunch of priests are going to visit the clubs and educate the players about THEIR religion? What next? Monks, Imams, Rabbi? Waste of Time. Also, last time I checked, The Players weren't singing about

Anti-Catholicism, its the Fans of the Four Main "Bigot" Club in the League- Celtic, Rangers, Hearts, Hibs- and perhaps some small bits from the rest......Total and utter Waste of Time IMO!

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Seem to be an awful lot of people getting the Catholic church and Celtic football club mixed up in this thread



This whole sorry episode originated from someone with obvious Celtic tendancies running to the press and grassing up Dallas, the Catholic church then decided to stick their nose in and bleat to the press, which i am sure ultimately cost dallas his job.

So the two of the are linked, as they always have been since celtic was founded by Brother Walfrid in 1888. So i have no doubt that those in charge at Celtic park were fully aware of the press statements etc from Kearney before they went public.

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Seem to be an awful lot of people getting the Catholic church and Celtic football club mixed up in this thread

Joined at the hip.


Had a debate with a Celtic supporter at work the other day. "Why do you support a team nearly 200 miles away ? ", he said.


"I was born in Lanarkshire and I grew up yards from Fir Park". I said.


"Why do you support a team nearly 200 miles away ? ", I said.


His answer, "coz ama Catholic". :whistling:

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Maybe I am missing something, but surely these anti sectarian so called lessons will be full of sectarianism because they will only reflect the views of one side, ie the catholic church. Surely if it was going to happen it should be done by a more neutral source? I agree with the person who said earlier that Motherwell are a non sectarian club. Surely this cannot be imposed on players and staff against their will?

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How hard is it to identify someone? You look at the CCTV footage, you tie that in with your season ticket database and you tell them to bugger off. Why are we still waiting to hear something 4 weeks later?


For me, there are bigger issues here, a portion of Celtic fans do this every year, they had meetings well in advance with supporters groups, however the board always seem surprised. Celtic FC employees then facilitated them getting the banners into the ground (probably through the exit gates due to the size). Nothing happened on the day to cease the protest, nothing was said after the game, very little came out in the press until the radio phone-ins on Monday night.


Clean up your own house Kearney!

I think it's a case of CFC not wanting to ban those responsible incase they upset the rest of their fans. However i do recall reading somewhere that season ticket holders were moved from their seats to allow those fuckwits to unfurl their banner so knowing who has a season ticket for that area may not help. I think it's up to the decent Celtic fans (& im sure there must be some) to point out those responsible & demand they get banned coz after all it is their clubs name that is being tarnished.

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