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The NFL also allows all their games to be shown on network (i.e. free) television. However, it costs the networks billions of dollars for the privilege ($20.4 billion to be precise).


I can't see the Beeb or ITV forking out an equivalent.

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Perhaps we should end democracy in Lanarkshire, and create a communist micro society instead. As part of each citzen's contribution to the community, they must support the local football team. Provided they get their season ticket stamped for attendance, the Republic of Lanarkshire shall reward each citizen with a wage at the end of the month.


I'd vote for that

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Why pay £18 to watch Motherwell v St. Mirren when you can watch Barcelona on telly later that night from your armchair?


You're perhaps turning the point round 180 degrees but its a valid one nonetheless. Since the dawn of Thatcherism, British society has become fixated with success. You have to be a winner/only the best will do. That simply isn't isn't sustainable and the Barcelonas of the world need smaller sides to predate. Take away the prey species and the predators die out. It ain't rocket science. There are many footie "fans" like that but equally many are quite content to support their local team

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I’m afraid it will have to remain a dream. Throughout modern history our average gates have barely risen above 5,000 and even if we won the league (another dream) this figure wouldn’t change dramatically. We are what we are.



+1 :( I have been following motherwell since my first game at fir park in 1969 and apart from the odd cup game, European match etc our crowds have always been poor and they always will be. Thats because we suffer from where we are, ie far to close to Ibrox or Parkhead, though to be fair 99.99% of Celtic fans support the team on religious grounds so thats not an issue. We are never going to attract big crowds when each week thousands of fans travel from the local area to watch rangers.

I have no problem with that its their choice on who they support, but we should be content with who we are and our identity as a club. Apart from the old firm and their Edinburgh cousins the only clubs who get higher average gates are Aberdeen and possibly Dundee untd so we are no different to the majority of SPL clubs.

I have always said that it's easy to support a big team such as Man untd, Chealsea, Rangers, Celtic etc the glory hunters always have, but the real football fans are the ones who turn up week in week out at Motherwell, Albion rovers, Inverness etc, so we should be proud of who we are and who we support. Mon the well.

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