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John Boyle Rant On Sky Sports News


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I actually thought that was excellent from JB and was not just a pissed off rant.


He spoke about how Scottish football needs a fundamental change and how "we" as in Motherwell have been seeking that (all be it not obvious to the fans), and how it's the old firm thats holding it all back.

JB is a businessman and not stupid - he wants Fir Park full to the rafters during July and August with punters and their families standing or sitting, wearing Well strips in the sunshine and holding a pint that they bought in the stadium (all be it in a plastic cup)!!!


This is the future of and the only way the game will survive in Scotland - FFS make it happen........

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  Jay said:
John Boyle's the man.


Cardiff City. Rangers. Celtic. Naebody gets in the 'Well's way!


On yerself JB! :lol:


I posted this before I'd actually watched the video and was only going by what I'd read on here.


Now I've watched it... I actually fail to see the big deal? When he was on SSN going tonto about the Paul Quinn money from Cardiff, he actually came across as a fuckin' mentalist. Today he just came across as some who feels genuinely passionate about what he's talking about.


Regardless though, top bombing by wee John again. I couldn't give a rat's arse if folk are watching it laughing or thinking he's a gimp. I'd far rather have Boyle going apeshit about the Old Firm being money grabbing bastards, than sitting back silently while the club continues to get shafted.

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  thisGRAEME said:
Fair play to him. Can't fault anything he says for Motherwell or Scottish football.


He does always look like a mad bastard though, those eyes are huge!

Must be the botox, hes had some stuff done to that face! ;)


But all in all he was fully justified in his rant. Sticks up for this club and fights for our cause. What a guy :lol:

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  SteveDiggle said:
You know what - I'd rather see John's rants better timed to be honest.


He looks like a bit of a dick when he reacts to events as and when they arise.


Lets have the boot put in in the run up / debating / discussion to these events John. Lets hear it then - not after we've had these proposals - that Motherwell played a part in ar announced. It looks like sour grapes from an unhinged individual


Like last years rant about lack of a home OF gate post split - get into it in the previous years when other teams are being affected - don't wait until it only affects us.


You knoe what Steve i would have you as my club rep! we've been talking about this for a few days.


I have no probs with JB havin a go at the old firm for the friendlies which is good but answer this.


IF now he's having a go and sounds like he's angry at them, where was he during the supporting commitee when Motherwell came across as a team who went for the top 10.


Have a go at me if you want peeps but it now seems to me that since this top 10 wont go through JB wants to come on the site of a team who approved so we look pro change

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  steelboy said:
considering the sfa, spl and sfl are all based on the same floor of hampden i doubt there is a massive amount of wasted resources.


Well there is rent to Queens Park/SFA and around £250k (conservatively) in salaries for their staff and other admin fees such as a few phone bills, a franking machine, water cooler, post it's and headed paper. Also lets not forget professional fees to lawyers etc.


Personally I'd rather see that invested elsewhere in Scottish football.


Getting back to the timing of Boyle's comments, nobody think he's been in Australia over the Christmas and New Year period as he has done for the past few years and this is the first time he's been in a position to be approached by a camera crew for an interview?

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  LadywellToi said:
Getting back to the timing of Boyle's comments, nobody think he's been in Australia over the Christmas and New Year period as he has done for the past few years and this is the first time he's been in a position to be approached by a camera crew for an interview?

:lol: He's been storing that up all during his holibags.

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  fatcalf said:
:lol: He's been storing that up all during his holibags.


Evidently, careful editing there by Sky Sports News what they missed was:


"We should shut down in December, We should shut down in January and we should start the season at the very beginning of July, Why ....."



............ "because the Strictly final takes place and in Dancing on Ice starts in the New Year ...... Cha Cha Cha"

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  orange county dosser said:
sorry, but i just watched his interview , an d he says nothing oiut of place, .


re distribution of wealth is well overdue a shuffle, with the old firm skanks takking the lions share of the tv money.


where does he say anything wrong ???????


I don't think you'll find anyone saying, in the whole thread, that anything he said was wrong

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