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Remember Football Before.......


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  'Wellfan 2k7 said:
I'm gonna just say this. You are more likely to cause an accident if seated than if you're Standing!

Knee or ankle ligaments


Never once been hurt by standing at a fitba' game in 45 years. Done my ankle ligaments sitting at the 'puter, true story cos I was rolling my foot under the chair. Health & Safety Pffftt!!!!

Actually can we not get round all that H&S shite by signing a disclaimer absolving the club of any blame should we do the unlikely and actually fall over? H&S is after all no more than trying to cover themselves with respect to a lawsuit for injury sustained on the premises is it not? Fuck all to do with looking after us.

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Remember a lot of the things people have just discussed above. My experiences:


The very first home game of the season, walking up the "hill" and seeing the beautiful grass and white lines on the pitch


The stanchions having been painted in amber


Being in the East stand, looking at the tunnel for the first glimpse of our heroes in Claret and Amber


Getting a lift-over the turnstiles


On the school bus going to Hamilton and watching for players cars going to training. My hero of the time was Bobby Graham and I knew the make and model of his vehicle and was so chuffed to see him pass sometimes


Waiting in Newarthill for the Central bus to Tynescastle and it didn't stop......... :doh: went home and cried my eyes out to my dog who was happy to see me :nod:


The East stand atmosphere with rival fans separated before the fence


Young boys in the East stand doing a kop thing when we were close to scoring


Going to that store in Motherwell - Forsyths? (albeit was a mens' store) and buying a claret scarf with little logos of the fir tree on it, twas a class scarf

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  Browni said:
Climbing into the ground when we couldn't afford to pay!


I did it on the East terracing & the South :doh:



The week when we got our electricity bill my maw couldn't give me the money to get in.


We used to jump over the wall into Knowetop school, run across the playground and jump over the wall behind the shed, (East stand).

My mates could run and jump it no bother but with me being wee and not very athletic, I struggled to get over it.

Sheer determination and very scuffed shoes helped me over eventually, (after a struggle).


What a laugh, it was like something from the Great Escape. the biggest guy would watch for the polis, when the coast was clear we would sprint across and jump up on the wall, guys already over would help pull us over, brilliant .


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  Browni said:
Climbing into the ground when we couldn't afford to pay!


I did it on the East terracing & the South :wallbash:



Never needed to do that just approached somebody in the queue to lift me over, never failed.

I remember feeling a certain pride when I was first asked to lift someone over, nearly done my back in as well the fat wee shite.

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...the internet. As someone mentioned in another thread, I remember the days when you first found out about a new signing when he was warming up before the game. You could also sign a no-name and he wouldn't be written off from the start because of some wikipedia stats or how shite he is in FM.


Also this whole sitting down pish. It's not natural, the seats are uncomfortable, kills the atmosphere, and is no less dangerous than standing. Letting far too many people in and having fucking fences at the front is dangerous, standing up is not. Just look at all the music festivals and gigs. Or, look at all the other leagues who allow standing. They're hardly scraping up dead folk every week along with the pepsi cups.


Assign a standing capacity and stick to it. That will be safe enough.

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great thread.im a wee bit later than most of the things that have been said.defo agree with the cigar smoke mentioned earlier always a memory of going up the east stand stairs. Also when players were numbered 1 to 11,and if i wasnt at an away game,putting the scoreflash thing on ceefax, and I liked when players were allowed to tackle and refs werent the centre of attention.

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  fatcalf said:
Nope you've got me on that one. When was that?


well, after the construction of the DC, and South Stands I'm sure our crowds for these games was always around the 12,000 mark, suggesting to me that maybe around half of that would be Motherwell fans. Much more than a just a regular turnout of well fans :whistling:


it seems Well fans stay away from these fixtures more and more these days :blink:


i dont blame them however.....

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  Scarecrow said:
The Flemington Bar

The Fir Park Yearbook

The Texaco Cup

Getting a lift o'er

The Enclosure

Players playing in frost and snow in trainers.


I recall that last one well - we beat Rangers 1-0 at Fir Park and you could barely see any green such was the snow on the pitch. And there was never adoubt about the game going ahead!


The cage - Being able to watch the game from behind either goal during a game - memories!

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Chips and scrammashes at Auchterarder -_-


Bottles of whisky getting passed round, open air toilets, cinder terracing, Airdrie :wank: in the top flight,

Tiny Wharton, amber shirt with claret hoop, crew cuts, Davie Whiteford penalties, McInally hoi, bovver boys, Texaco Cup, the Gorgie Invaders, Jimmy Yuille's pit helmet, Matt Johnstone's pink jumper, sitting on the perimeter wall behind the goals, Band of Gold playing on the PA, 5p bovril

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